The Breakup

“I created The Breakup as a love letter to anyone who has ever lost a friend. There’s so much vocabulary around the break up of romantic relationships, but so little in the culture about the end of lifelong or deep female friendships.”

Director, Jenna Harder

Close, interpersonal friendships are tricky, powerful, and deeply emotional. Resentments build, people change, and whether it’s a day or decade-long relationship, they can be ended without notice or ceremony.

Throughout the film, we follow Jess to her bestie break up and explore why friends drift when priority shifts.

Starring Alana Pancyr, Julia Dyan, and Noah Lamanna

Directed by Jenna Harder

The Breakup will premiere at the tenth anniversary edition of the Chelsea Film Festival in New York City on October 16th!  Tickets and more information can be found here

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